ごきょうごくせっしょうさきのだいじょうだいじん | |
後京極摂政前太政大臣 | 男 |
藤原良経 (1169-1206) 父は関白九条兼実。藤原俊成に和歌を学び、歌合を主催するなど歌壇で活躍した。
Gokyogoku-Sessho Saki-no-Daijodaijin
Fujiwara-no-Yoshitsune (1169-1206 C.E.)Hs father was Kanpaku Kujo Kanezane. He studied waka with Fujiwara-no-Shunzei, and was very active in waka circles including putting on poetry competitions.
きりぎりす |
きりぎりす |
なくやしもよの |
鳴くや霜夜の |
さむしろに |
さむしろに |
ころもかたしき | |
衣かたしき |
ひとりかもねむ | |
ひとりかも寝む |
The crickets are singing and the mist is rising on this cool night. Am I to sleep alone on the sleeve of my kimono on this rough straw mat?