りょうぜんほうし | |
良暹法師 | 坊主 |
(生没年不詳) 詳しい伝記は不明。比叡山の僧で、祇園社の別当。洛北・大原に隠棲、晩年は雲林院に住んだという。
Ryozen Hoshi
(Birth/death dates unknown)Though there are no definitive records of his life, it is known that he was a monk at Mt. Hiei and also served as betto at Gionsha Shrine. He retired in Ohara, north of Kyoto, spending his later years at Unrin-in.
さびしさに |
さびしさに |
やどをたちいでて |
宿をたち出でて |
ながむれば |
ながむれば |
いづこもおなじ | |
いづこも同じ |
あきのゆふぐれ | |
秋の夕暮れ |
I’m so lonely that I venture out of my hermitage to take in the views, but perhaps because my despair is so great, everything else looks as forlorn as I do in this autumn hour of twilight.