ごんちゅうなごんさだより | |
権中納言定頼 | 男 |
藤原定頼 (995-1045) 藤原公任の子。父譲りで和歌に秀で、能書家でもあった。中古三十六歌仙の一人。
Gonchunagon Sadayori
Fujiwara-no-Sadayori (995-1045 C.E.)Son of Fujiwara-no-Kinto, he inherited a gift for waka, and was also known as a great calligraphy master. He is included amongst the Thirty-Six Medieval Immortal Poets.
あさぼらけ |
朝ぼらけ |
うぢのかはぎり |
宇治の川霧 |
たえだえに |
たえだえに |
あらはれわたる | |
あらはれわたる |
せぜのあじろぎ | |
瀬々の網代木 |
In the morning, as the morning light slowly dawns, the fog over the Uji River lifts little by little, and I see the wicker fishnets artfully drawn over the rapids.