せいしょうなごん | |
清少納言 | 女 |
(生没年不詳) 清原深養父の曾孫、元輔の娘。橘則光の妻となり一子を成すが離別。一条天皇の中宮定子に仕えて『枕草子』を著した。
Sei Shonagon
(Birth/death dates unknown) Great-grandchild of Kiyohara-no-Fukayabu, and daughter of Motosuke. She later married Tachibana-no-Norimitsu, but the two divorced despite the fact that they had one child between them. She served Teishi, empress to Emperor Ichijo, authoring Makura no Soshi.
よをこめて |
夜をこめて |
とりのそらねは |
鳥のそらねは |
はかるとも |
はかるとも |
よにあふさかの | |
よに逢坂の |
せきはゆるさじ | |
関はゆるさじ |
You can try to fool me by crowing like a rooster before the dawn to get through unseen, but you will never get past Osaka, for I will surely see you there.