いせのたいふ | |
伊勢大輔 | 女 |
(生没年不詳) 大中臣能宣の孫。一条天皇の中宮彰子に仕えた。晩年は白河天皇の養育係を務めた。
(Birth/death dates unknown)The grandchild of Onakatomi-no-Yoshinobu, she served Shoshi, empress to Emperor Ichijo. In her later years, she was placed in charge of rearing the Emperor Shirakawa.
いにしへの |
いにしへの |
ならのみやこの |
奈良の都の |
やへざくら |
八重桜 |
けふここのへに | |
けふ九重に |
にほひぬるかな | |
にほひぬるかな |
The double-blossoming cherry blossoms, once the pride of Nara, are now more beautiful than ever here in the court of Kyoto.