ふじわらのよしたか | |
藤原義孝 | 男 |
(954-974) 謙徳公の子で、藤原行成の父。二十一歳で痘瘡にかかり没す。信心深く、極楽往生したと伝わる。中古三十六歌仙の一人。
(954-974 C.E.)Son of Kentokuko, he was also father to Fujiwara-no-Yukinari. He died of smallpox at the age of 21. He is said to have been a man of great faith and therefore to have died a peaceful death. He was one of the Thirty-Six Medieval Immortal Poets.
きみがため |
君がため |
をしからざりし |
惜しからざりし |
いのちさへ |
命さへ |
ながくもがなと | |
長くもがなと |
おもひけるかな | |
思ひけるかな |
Though I felt I would gladly give up my life for you, after seeing your face I now have reason to want to live long.