ごんちゅうなごんあつただ | |
権中納言敦忠 | 男 |
藤原敦忠 (906-943) 時平の三男。三十八歳で早世し、菅原道真の怨霊の仕業とされた。三十六歌仙の一人。
Gonchunagon Atsutada
Fujiwara-no-Atsutada (906-943 C.E.)He was the third son of Tokihira. Having passed away at the age of just 38, he was believed by the people to have been cursed by the vengeful spirit of Sugawara-no-Michizane. He was one of the Thirty-Six Immortal Poets.
あひみての |
あひ見ての |
のちのこころに |
のちの心に |
くらぶれば |
くらぶれば |
むかしはものを | |
昔は物を |
おもはざりけり | |
思はざりけり |
I pined with all my heart to cast eyes on you, but once I did it was agonizing. The pain I felt longing to meet you pales in comparison to the despair I feel now.