みぶのただみね | |
壬生忠岑 | 男 |
(生没年不詳) 官位は低かったが、『古今集』撰者に任ぜられ、歌人として活躍した。三十六歌仙の一人。
(Birth/death dates unknown)Though his official rank was low,he was asked to compile the "Kokinshu"waka collection,and was active as a poet.He is included amongst the"Thirty-Six Immortal Poets."
ありあけの |
ありあけの |
つれなくみえし |
つれなく見えし |
わかれより |
別れより |
あかつきばかり | |
暁ばかり |
うきものはなし | |
憂きものはなし |
Ever since the morning we parted, when the dull moon hung wanly in the sky and you seemed so cold, nothing has been harder for me than the dawn.