おおしこうちのみつね | |
凡河内躬恒 | 男 |
(生没年不詳) 紀貫之らと『古今集』の撰者に任ぜられた。官位は低かった。三十六歌仙の一人。
(Birth/death dates unknown)Though of low official rank, he was selected along with Ki-no-Tsurayuki and others for the Kokinshu waka collection. He is included amongst the Thirty-Six Immortal Poets.
こころあてに |
心あてに |
をらばやをらむ |
折らばや折らむ |
はつしもの |
初霜の |
おきまどはせる | |
おきまどはせる |
しらぎくのはな | |
白菊の花 |
The ground is covered in a blanket of pure white with the first frost, and we can’t find the brilliant white chrysanthemums underneath. But let us try and pick them anyway.