ちゅうなごんかねすけ | |
中納言兼輔 | 男 |
藤原兼輔 (877-933) 藤原冬嗣の曾孫、紫式部の曾祖父。賀茂川の堤に邸宅を造営。紀貫之らと親交が深かった。
Chunagon Kanesuke
Fujiwara-no-Kanesuke (877-933 C.E.) Great-grandchild of Fujiwara-no-Fuyutsugu, he was great-grandfather to Murasaki Shikibu. He built a residence along the banks of the Kamo River. He was on very friendly terms with Ki-no-Tsurayuki and his circle of friends.
みかのはら |
みかの原 |
わきてながるる |
わきて流るる |
いづみがは |
いづみ川 |
いつみきとてか | |
いつみきとてか |
こひしかるらむ | |
恋しかるらむ |
Like the changing views surrounding the Izumi River that flows through the meadows of Mikanohara, I am not sure when I saw you, when I met you, or even if it was not all a dream, and yet my heart aches to no end.