ふんやのやすひで | |
文屋康秀 | 男 |
(生没年不詳) 平安初期の歌人で、六歌仙の一人だが、官位は低かった。
(Birth/death dates unknown)A poet of the early Heian Period, he was named one of the Six Immortal Poets despite his low official rank.
ふくからに |
吹くからに |
あきのくさきの |
秋の草木の |
しをるれば |
しをるれば |
むべやまかぜを | |
むべ山風を |
あらしといふらむ | |
嵐といふらむ |
The autumn vegetation starts to wither when the fierce mountain winds blow violently down the mountain, and the spectacle is no less than a tempest.